Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 25, 2010: Charlotte the Hamster

The hands belong to Sarah who now wants a pet hamster herself!

July 24, 2010: BDay Cake

Tonight friends Diana, Tim, and Abbi came over and helped us celebrate our birthdays with homemade cake! Thank you, friends!

Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 2010: Fun in the Car

While sitting in the front seat facing foward, I put the camera on top my head and got these shots of Tyler in the back seat. Fun!

July 22, 2010: Happy Birthday Justin!

July 21, 2010: Out to Dinner

July 20, 2010: Rain Clouds

July 19, 2010: Fun with Our New Massaging Eye Mask

July 18, 2010: Hot Tub at the Hotel

July 17, 2010: At the Wedding Party

Photo taken by Tyler at Chris and Jamie's post-wedding reception.

July 16, 2010: Wind Point Lighthouse and Lake Michigan

Taken on the way to Chris and Jamie's post-wedding party in Appleton, Wisconsin. This lighthouse is in Racine, Wisconsin, on Lake Michigan.

July 15, 2010: Making Homemade Cheese

July 14, 2010: Bathtowel Turban

July 13, 2010: Tyler's Photography

Tyler took these two pictures within the last year. With my help, he cropped and touched them up. We then enlarged and framed them--complete with Tyler's signature, titles, and a copyright date.

July 12, 2010: Tyler's Cute Cowlick (sp.?)

July 11, 2010: Tyler and Charlotte (Hamster) in Tub

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 10, 2010: Family Dog Walk

Tessa doesn't get to walk outside very often due to her aggression (to put it mildly) with other animals. The only time I will walk her is with Justin, and Justin rarely will go. Tyler, though, is very persuasive!

July 9, 2010: Tyler's New Pet

Tyler adopted "Charlotte," a dwarf hamster, from the pet store today. He is very excited!

July 8, 2010: Traditional Coffee Date

Tyler and I have a tradition: coffee house dates. He likes having the opportunity to drink a vanilla bean frappachino (sp.?) over conversation INSIDE Starbucks. Here we are on our traditional coffee outing.

July 7, 2010: Egg McWilliams

I get to make Tyler breakfast when he gets up in time. Here is my "Egg McWilliams."

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 6, 2010: Tanzania Presentation

Today I presented information on the Tanzanian school system to Ypsilanti Jaycees and community members. Justin was the photographer here. There were about 12 people in attendance, including three kids--not too bad.

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5, 2010: A Full Day

Justin had today off from work. Tyler, he, and I went swimming in a lake, hiking, and metal detecting (got about 30 cents today)--a full day. Here are some shots of us, including Tyler and me with bugs attacking our heads.