Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 8, 2010: Dissertation Torture

September 7, 2010: North Hydro Park

Lacy and I explored a new park today that's on the Huron River, North Hydro Park.

September 6, 2010: Red Rectum

While in Charleston, my friends and I visited a market where local vendors sold homemade spices. I brought "Red Rectum" home for Justin since he likes spicy food.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

September 5, 2010: Images from Detroit River Cruise

Today I went on a two-hour river cruise down the Detroit River. Here are a few images.

Sepember 4, 2010: New Trail

Lacy and I explored a new trail close to the house today. Lacy loved being able to run off the leash in a safe place. She is so good about staying nearby and coming when she's called.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 3, 2010: Total Flexibility

I watched my neighbor's children today. Colin, age 8, is waaaaaaay flexible!

September 2, 1010: First Strawberry EVER

I've tried to grow strawberries for years, but this is the first time I actually grew one that didn't get eaten by bugs before ripening!

September 1, 2010: Last of the SC Pics

This is the largest live oak in the nation.

August 31, 2010: Really Dorky


August 30, 2010: Seagull in the Air

August 29, 2010: Self-Explanatory

This is self-explanatory.

Of course, this is what is going to happen when I finish my dissertation.

August 28, 2010: Friends Group Shot 2

August 27, 2010: Heading to the Beach

August 26, 2010: I Ate This for Dessert

August 25, 2010: Friends Group Shot 1

August 24, 2010: The Beach, the Sky, and Me

August 23, 2010: Charleston Marketplace

August 22, 2010: Trees on Daniel Island, SC

August 21, 2010: Friends

Good friend Dr. Williams and me

August 20, 2010: Charleston, South Carolina, Sunset

I am going to spread my 5-day Charleston trip photos over about 13 days--since I have no pictures for about a week.

Here is a beautiful sunset my friends and I observed over drinks.

August 19, 2010: Pound Puppy

Sarah and I visited the Humane Society, and I totally would take home this dog if I could.

-Photo by Sarah

August 18, 2010: Grown-Up Guinea Pig

Char is all grown up!

August 17, 2010: Mom the Accordion Player

Mom also entertained me with her accordion-playing skills. (I later sold this accordion on ebay with a $50 profit.)

August 16, 2010: Mom and the Metal Detector

During Mom's August visit, we found about 28 cents with the metal detector.

August 15, 2010: Tessa Says Hello

August 14, 2010: Family Picture

Justin's idea: We dressed up in old-timey clothes and were photographed. I should probably scan in the photo, but I am too lazy--hence the flash mark in the picture.

August 13, 2010: Random Photo 3

Here's the walk down to the pond!

August 12, 2010: Random Photo 2

And here's a pond in Colorado. Mia and I walked down to this pond so she could swim. I liked the reflection of the sky in the water.

August 11, 2010: Random Photo 1

I've fallen behind on my blog--as SOME people have pointed out. :)

I missed a few days, so there will be a few random shots posted until I catch up. Here's a flower shot I took while in Colorado.