Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010: Mocha's Portrait

This is my mom's dog, Mocha. She thinks he is handsome. I don't.

October 17, 2010: Mom and Mocha

My mom thought I was taking a picture of her dog, Mocha, but I got her too! (I just drove from Charleston to my mom's house in Virginia, by the way.)

October 16, 2010: Charleston Sky

When I die, I am sad I won't be able to see the sky anymore.

October 15, 2010: Charleston Flowers

I can't stop taking pictures of flowers. The pink one is the "antique rose," and note the butterfly in another photo.

October 14, 2010: Sweet Grass Basket

African Americans in Charleston make these -very expensive- baskets out of sweet grass and pine needles.

October 123, 2010: Boone Hall Plantation in Charleston

I arrived in Charleston, South Carolina, today for some teacher training that begins tomorrow. I timed my arrival so that I could see a plantation home today--Boone Hall. Here are some photos.