Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010: Mocha's Portrait

This is my mom's dog, Mocha. She thinks he is handsome. I don't.

October 17, 2010: Mom and Mocha

My mom thought I was taking a picture of her dog, Mocha, but I got her too! (I just drove from Charleston to my mom's house in Virginia, by the way.)

October 16, 2010: Charleston Sky

When I die, I am sad I won't be able to see the sky anymore.

October 15, 2010: Charleston Flowers

I can't stop taking pictures of flowers. The pink one is the "antique rose," and note the butterfly in another photo.

October 14, 2010: Sweet Grass Basket

African Americans in Charleston make these -very expensive- baskets out of sweet grass and pine needles.

October 123, 2010: Boone Hall Plantation in Charleston

I arrived in Charleston, South Carolina, today for some teacher training that begins tomorrow. I timed my arrival so that I could see a plantation home today--Boone Hall. Here are some photos.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 9, 2010: Driving to Virginia

Today I drove for over 13 hours to Virginia to visit my mom. While in West Virginia, I pulled over to photograph these views.

October 5, 2010: So You Think You Can't Dance? Foxtrot and Waltz

Tonight I taught a second of a three-part series of dance lessons for the Ypsilanti Jaycees and interested community members.

September 28, 2010: So You Think You Can't Dance? Two-Step and Polka Lessons

Tonight I taught the Ypsilanti Jaycees and interested community members how to two-step and polka! Years ago, I used to compete and teach both country western and ballroom.

The Rest of September: New House Part V

In the next few weeks, we will be painting the outside of the house (trim) off white. We will also be painting most of the inside as well.

The Rest of September: New House Part IV

The Rest of September: New House Part III

The Rest of September: New House Part II

The Rest of September: New House Part I

I've fallen behind on this blog, and to be honest, I am not going to be able to post a new picture each day anymore. I have a new job as Manager of Programs and Student Admissions at the Ann Arbor School of the Performing Arts, and am working on my dissertation, taking a class at Eastern Michigan University, preparing for two professional presentations at the end of October, and am staying involved in various community and educational organizations. Something has to give....and this is on the list to drop, at least as a daily photo diary.

So, to make up for the month-long gap, I am going to post various pictures from September of our new house. We expect to close on October 15, and we will be moving in the last two weekends of October. We are very excited, as this house is not the other (white) house we had a contract on. It's BETTER: brick, windmill, cedar sauna, hot tub, deck, one acre, zip line in the back, hair salon in the basement, three floors plus the basement, hardwoords, jacuzzi bathtub, and more!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 8, 2010: Dissertation Torture

September 7, 2010: North Hydro Park

Lacy and I explored a new park today that's on the Huron River, North Hydro Park.

September 6, 2010: Red Rectum

While in Charleston, my friends and I visited a market where local vendors sold homemade spices. I brought "Red Rectum" home for Justin since he likes spicy food.