Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 25, 2010: Ohio Sunset at 70 MPH

Driving home through Ohio, I saw the prettiest sunset I have ever seen in person. I took this photo while driving 70+ mph. The picture doesn't come close to the real beauty, though.

May 24, 2010: Appomattox

Today Carol, Jim, and I drove to Appomattox and saw where General Lee surrendered to General Grant at the end of the Civil War. Pictured are the Appomattox Court House and the private residence across the way where the actual surrender was conducted in the parlor.

May 23, 2010: Sunset at Carol's

Carol and Jim have a fantastic back porch that faces THIS each evening!

May 22, 2010: Touring Virginia

During my stay in Virginia, my Aunt Carol and I visited the Edgar Allan Poe Museum and St. John's church, where Poe's mom (an actress who died of TB when Poe was a toddler) is buried and where Patrick Henry gave his "Give me liberty or give me death" speech. I learned a lot about Poe, although I am sure I will forget most of it within a few days! (Pictures with me in them were taken by Carol.)

May 21, 2010: Butterfly Attraction

This butterfly was a very patient model! S/he let me take his/her picture over ten times up close. I was even able to coax it on to my hand.

May 20, 2010: Pink Rose

I drove to Virginia today to visit my mom, aunt, and uncle. My mom's roses have begun to bloom! She has very pretty landscaping.

May 19, 2010: Truck Fire

Justin drove by an 18-wheeler on fire today and offered this picture for the blog.

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 18, 2010: Temptations

I just received this photo of a recent Ypsilanti Jaycees event: Indian food tasting at a local restaurant named Temptations. Justin liked his chicken dish, but I wasn't too fond of the cheese balls over rice.

May 17, 2010: My Pet Monster

Last week I listed a rare My Pet Monster stuffed animal on ebay. A girl about my age from Canada persuaded me to end the listing, sell the Monster to her, and meet her at the Detroit airport for the exchange. Her husband has been looking for this Monster for years, and she was going to surprise him for his birthday. Today she sent me the full story and these photos of the big day: "The story behind Billy wanting this so badly goes like this...Obviously we are Toronto Maple Leafs fans. Billy's favourite player is Gustavsson, who is a goalie for the Leafs (Billy grew up playing goaltender in minor hockey). Well Gustavsson's nickname is "The Monster," so he wanted to put a Leafs jersey on a my pet monster and bring it to a game and have it signed by Gustavsson. He was sooooooooo excited when he saw the doll that night I brought it home!!!!!! Now we just have to wait for next season, so that we can go to a game with the doll!!!! Anyhow, he had been looking for one for a very long time, and wasn't able to find one, not to mention he couldn't find any jersey's the appropriate size. So, needless to say, he was thrilled when I brought it home!!! Thank you soooo much for helping me be able to do this!!! He told me that this was the best birthday gift he has ever received. The doll is now sitting in the middle seat in the back of his car (with the seatbelt on and everything)."

May 16, 2010: Dog Bath

Sarah wants a dog, a German Shepherd puppy. In order to practice being a responsible pet owner, Sarah requested to give Lacy a bath (as well as take her on many walks). Here Sarah is blow-drying Lacy. Lacy gets the star blow-drying treatment because she will stink without it. Lacy loveslovesloves getting blow dried, for she craves pets and back scratches.

May 15, 2010: Fun with Sarah

After the estate sale today, Sarah spent the night and we had fun walking Lacy and playing at the park (as well as playing hide and seek in the dark with Justin constantly being "it"). Here are some pics from the park.

May 14, 2010: Estate Sale Has Begun!

On Friday and Saturday (Saturday is tomorrow, but I am posting this after the fact), we finally had the huge sale in what was formerly the Firefly Jazz Club in Ann Arbor. Justin and I paired up with another couple, friends of ours named Tim and Diana, and one of their friends to organize and run the sale. We probably put in at least thirty hours of work. We made over $2,000 (not that we get to keep all of that) and had fun. Our friends' daughter, Abby, and Sarah sold jewelry and other wares and scored about $15. Abby did a GREAT job welcoming everyone who came in and encouraging them to buy more. After the sale, Diana and Tim came over for air hockey and ping pong and we drank shots of leftover alcohol from the club in some very pretty shot glasses Justin took from the sale! Diana and I plan to run the sale for two more days next week!

May 13, 2010: Meet Jake

Jake is a seven-month-old Golden Retriever pup I have started dog sitting twice a week. He is full of energy, soft, and loves to eat bird pooh off the sidewalk.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010: More Visitors

Justin took this photo of two visitors in our front yard today.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11, 2010: Art Reception for Sarah

Tonight Justin and I went to a reception showcasing the artwork of Ann Arbor Public School students. Sarah's artwork was the ONE piece chosen from her class to be displayed! Her piece is an experiment in positive and negative space. (Thank you, Sarah, for again giving me permission to put you on my blog!)

May 10, 2010: Potting Plants

Today, being a nice day outside, I re-potted/tended to some plants and left them out to get some sun. Tessa enjoyed the sun too!

May 9, 2010: Tyler's Blooming Flowers

The flowers Tyler sent me are blooming and very beautiful!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8, 2010: Visitor

Lacy found an unexpected visitor in the backyard this morning!

May 7, 2010: Surprise from Tyler

I got a Mother's Day surprise in the mail from Tyler today. How unexpected!

May 6, 2010: 'Bout Time He Did Some Work Around Here!

May 5, 2010: Random Ebay Shot

One of my many wares I am selling on ebay.

May 4, 2010: Mystery Picture

Can you guess what this is a picture of?

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010: The Three Little Piggies

May 2, 2010: Summer Is Here!

I am so happy to see sunlight and leaves! I think the four seasons are just long enough to enjoy them and then seriously welcome the next season! Here is our street (both ways) now lined with leafed trees!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 1, 2010: Preparing for the Garage Sale

Justin, another couple, and their friend helped me begin organizing all the stuff at the former jazz club for our upcoming garage sale. Look at all this stuff!!!!!!

April 30, 2010: Ebay Ebay Ebay

I have fallen a bit behind taking daily pictures with the exception of my ebay things! I've been sooooo busy on ebay, but I seem to bring home more items than I am selling, and we have NO room for all of this. Here's a picture of a lot I just listed--baby toys!

April 29, 2010: Tessa's Paw

As I was having my daily Doggie Morning Snuggle Time, I admired Tessa's paw--I love the mix of colors: black, white, pink, and brown.

April 28, 2010: Rescued Plant

Jay, a man I worked for briefly, wants me to have a garage sale with all of the personal and business items a former jazz club owner left in his building. Most of the plants left there have died, but I took one out today and plan to save it. It seems to be doing well after I picked out most of the dead parts and gave it sun and water.

April 27, 2010: Hoover Is Dead.

Our Hoover Wind Tunnel vacuum cleaner is now dead. Justin and I used all of our Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift cards we got last July (when we got married) as well as a 20% off coupon to buy the supposed-top-of-the-line Dyson vacuum cleaner, about $500. It comes with a five-year warranty, and the employee said most people bring it back to the store with some "defect" at the five-year mark and get a new vacuum cleaner! Sounds good to me. So far, I like it overall. It sucks well, it's easy to maneuver, and it is much easier to clean out the dust bin without getting dust all over the place.

April 26, 2010: Monkeying Around

I am going to be sad to get rid of this RurReal chimp that belongs to my mom! Mom picked this up at Value World, and I am selling it on ebay for her. This chimp makes monkey noises, reaches his arms up to hug you, and even sucks when you put a bottle/something in his mouth! His face, hands, and feet feel and look real!