Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 10, 2010: Warren Dunes State Park

Today was sunny, though. Tyler and I drove 2.5 hours to Warren Dunes State Park on Lake Michigan. We felt very out of shape trying to climb up the HUGE dune. I documented Tyler's trek up the sand mountain. We also enjoyed swimming in the Lake and metal detecting.

August 9, 2010: No Picture Today

I took no pictures today. Tyler and I went with friends Diana and Abbi to the Binder Creek Zoo, about 1.5 hours away. When we got there, it poured down rain, so we went to lunch and to the Goodwill store, only to turn around and go home when going to the zoo became not worth our while due to the price and hours left open. I intended to post plenty of pictures of giraffes, but no. :(

August 8, 2010: Sunset from the Porch in Durango

August 7, 2010: Bungee Jumping

With the assistance of a trampoline and a 165-pound young man who double bounced us high into the sky!

August 6, 2010: The Three of Us

August 5, 2010: Alpine Slide at Purgatory

Aimee, Mia, and I enjoyed zooming down the Alpine Slide today at Purgatory, outside of Durango.

August 4, 2010: Travel Woes

What was supposed to be a five-hour flight (including a short layover) to Durango, Colorado, today turned out to be a 24-hour nightmare. One the way to Denver from Detroit, we had to circle around for two hours due to bad weather in Denver. Then we ran out of gas and were diverted to Cheyenne, Wyoming, a small airport with no employees on duty at the time (so we sat on the runway for hours). Then we had plane trouble and were stranded for many hours in Cheyenne only to be bussed back to Denver, arriving around 1:00 a.m. Only the first fifteen parties in line at the ticket counter got hotel rooms. Luckily, I was fourth in line. Here we are getting off the plane in Cheyenne. Pretty sunset though!

August 3, 2010: My Mood Painting

Here's mine (project description in previous post). I'd love for your interpretation!

August 2, 2010: Painting Our Moods

Tyler and I engaged in painting also. Tyler got to pick the subject, and he decided we were to paint our everyday mood--in general, about life. This is his creation. We then discussed why we chose certain types of colors and brushstrokes. Tyler's painting expresses a general mood of anger.

August 1, 2010: Breezy's Cafe

Tyler and I volunteered at a children's art event at a local cafe. Children expressed themselves through paint at this open-studio workshop.

July 31, 2010: Tyler the Chef

Tyler loves to cook. He is making scrambled eggs for breakfast tacos in this photo.

Monday, August 2, 2010

July 30, 2010: Fly Competition

Not too long ago, I posted a spectacular photo of a fly (close-up) that Sarah took. Tonight Tyler took THIS photo of a fly on our couch. Tyler is giving Sarah some friendly photography competition here!

July 29, 2010: Walking at the Park

Tyler, Colin (who lives down the street), Sarah, Lacy, and I enjoyed walking at the park today and playing with bugs. Sarah took the photo of me.

July 28, 2010: More Butterflies by Sarah

Sarah IS becoming quite the photographer. During our walk today, Sarah experimented with different angles and backgrounds for this butterfly.

July 27, 2010: My Beautiful Lacy

Photos by Sarah

July 26, 2010: Another Birthday

Today was my birthday, and Justin took this picture of me opening his card. Is that a double chin?