Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 4, 2010: Travel Woes

What was supposed to be a five-hour flight (including a short layover) to Durango, Colorado, today turned out to be a 24-hour nightmare. One the way to Denver from Detroit, we had to circle around for two hours due to bad weather in Denver. Then we ran out of gas and were diverted to Cheyenne, Wyoming, a small airport with no employees on duty at the time (so we sat on the runway for hours). Then we had plane trouble and were stranded for many hours in Cheyenne only to be bussed back to Denver, arriving around 1:00 a.m. Only the first fifteen parties in line at the ticket counter got hotel rooms. Luckily, I was fourth in line. Here we are getting off the plane in Cheyenne. Pretty sunset though!

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