Monday, March 29, 2010

March 28, 2010: Drive to Tidal Pools

I LOVE the drive to the olivine tidal pools!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 27, 2010: Shaved Ice

Today's photo was a toss-up among a waterfall, rainbow eucalyptus tree, or this.

Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010: Hiking Today

Justin and I went on a couple of hikes today on the road to Hana. Some of the hikes had steep and slippery places!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010: More Deserted Beaches

Justin and I finished beach hopping in southern Maui today. We saw very few people, as you can see from the deserted beach pictures. After beach hopping, we snorkeled and now we are getting ready to go to Lahaina, a quaint town down the road, to eat at our favorite hamburger joint, Cheeseburger in Paradise.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010: Hiking at La Perouse Bay

Today we drove to the southern tip of Maui where the road ends and hiked along La Perouse Bay. Very few people were here, and this is the bluest water I've ever seen on the island. Here is just one of many good shots I got!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010: Maui Sunset, Day 1

Here's the sunset for tonight. Not bad.

March 22, 2010: Breaching Humpback Whale

The humpback whales migrate to the islands every Dec.--March. Since it's already the end of March, I figured the whales would be gone. Not so! I got this shot while standing on the beach. Justin and I probably saw about 10+ whales today playing in the water!

March 21, 2010: Maui Beach and Clouds

Technically, I don't leave for Maui until tomorrow. But, I happen to be posting pictures on March 23 (two days later), and I've decided to post Maui pictures for today and tomorrow, because I already have so many fabulous shots! The first day of our Maui vacation (which doesn't start until March 23), Justin and I beach hopped along the southwestern coast of the island. Here is a picture of one of the beaches. I like this shot because I used the black and white setting so the incoming rain clouds would really stand out. After I took this shot, we headed back to the northern beaches for more sun.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20, 2010: Offer on House

We are making an offer on this house. It is in the town of Plymouth, which has the third best school district in the state. The last purchase price of this home was $450,000, and it is now bank-owned and cheap. Not including the unfinished basement, the home is 2334 square feet--5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It was built in 1900 and has lots of character. The only negative is that the house is on a main road (like 5 lanes?) and you can easily hear the cars go by while inside. Here are some pictures of the first floor (with hardwoods), the entryway (which looks like a sunroom), and the outside of the house. If we get it, it needs lots of work--a totally new roof, repair of balcony, backyard fence, and some (lots) structural and decorative remodeling inside. The roof is BAD. The house is currently listed for $114,900, and we are offering around $80,000. We'll see!

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010: Superhero Pooh

As with every Friday, I volunteered for FLY today (a local, non-profit organization offering low-cost and free art activities for kids). Today was sewing day, and I made this beautiful piece of pooh with a cape.

March 18, 2010: New Hair Color

I've been getting highlights for years, and my hair color has gradually gotten further and further (or is it farther and farther?) away from my natural hue. So today I went back to the "natural" color with only a few barely noticable highlights. This way, I won't have "roots"!

March 17, 2010: Tennis Day

Justin and Tyler enjoyed playing tennis in the nice weather today while I rolled around the court on my skates.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16, 2010: Beautiful Day

Today was a gorgeous day: 62 degrees, clear, and sunny! Tyler rode his bike while I skated next to him this morning, and I also took the dogs for a quick run on my skates. Tyler is the photographer here.

March 15, 2010: Tyler's Art Lessons

Tyler is taking a couple private watercolor lessons while here over Spring Break. Here he is working on a Halo watercolor poster (draft) with a local artist and instructor.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14, 2010: Easter in March

Because we won't see Tyler for Easter, we celebrated today. My mom sent us a bunch of plastic Easter eggs with chocolate, coins, $1 bills, and/or $5 bills inside. We got to take turns grabbing an egg. Tyler raked in the most money, and I ended up with lots of chocolate. We also gave Tyler watercolor paints, paper, and brushes for his private watercolor lessons beginning tomorrow, and Tyler and I got Justin a huge box of Slim Jims!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13, 2010: More Stuff to Sell

Justin, Tyler, and I went back over to the former jazz club to take what we can sell on eBay. We totally filled Justin's truck and all of us had so much fun going through random things (and I mean two floors and multiple rooms of things): nice clothing, collectibles, books, cds, dvds, office supplies, signed posters, jewelry, and much more. Now there is no room in our house to put it, and I'm very serious. No space left whatsoever, and my house looks embarrassing. I can't wait until we get a bigger house.

March 12, 2010: Tyler and Guinea Pigs

Tyler flew in tonight for his visit over Spring Break. He was so excited to meet the guinea pigs and laughed and laughed at how cute and funny they are!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010: Walk in Gallup Park

We've had about 3-4 days of beautiful weather: sunny, in the 50s, and dry! So Lacy and I drove to Gallup Park for a walk. She needs the exercise. Over the winter, she has gotten....obese. Seriously. You can't really see her rolls of fat in the photo, but they're there!

March 10, 2010: Air Hockey

Tonight Sarah came over and we played air hockey and ping pong. Sarah CREAMED me at every air hockey game!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010: Wine Club

Even though I said I was giving up wine (so I can eat and drink healthier), I enrolled Justin in a wine club. Tonight we drank our first bottle of the 6-bottle lot: a 2006 Trou de Bonde/Santa Barbara County 'Roux.' It was pretty good--assertive with tastes of blackberry, spices, and cherry.

March 8, 2010: Justin=Head Chef

You'd think I'd be the one cooking since I am no longer working full-time, but Justin has taken the lead because 1) he's a picky eater and 2) I am somehow still extremely busy! Tonight he cooked stuffed chicken.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010: Hula

I made Justin hula hoop with my weighted hoop so I could take a picture for my blog today. He needs to practice.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 6, 2010: House Hunting Begins

Today Justin and I looked at 5-6 properties. Of those, we liked two of them. Although I am not too fond of the outside look of this house, it is our first choice. It is on 1/3 of an acre in a VERY upper class neighborhood. It's on a cul-de-sac too. The house is over 2600 square feet (not including the basement) and has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a library, living room, dining room, den, and more. What we really like is the super-huge basement (not included in sqf): it's totally finished with carpeting, 3 bedrooms, a full kitchen, and a full bath. All this for $135K, and since it is bank owned, we are hoping to get it for around $110K. It does need 100% new indoor paint and flooring, but that's okay considering this is at least a half-million dollar home in a prime location.

March 5, 2010: Cocoa with Kids

Today Cameron (12) and Colin (7) came back to visit while their mom was at work. They love hot chocolate, so they enjoyed their morning cocoa while watching a movie! I, however, won't go near this stuff anymore; I am much too conscious of the hefty sugar content as well as other harmful ingredients!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4, 2010: Feed the Children

Today I served as the Ypsilanti Jaycees representative helping unload 210 backpacks, books, and food packages from the Feed the Children truck. Feed the Children provides these supplies to homeless elementary, junior high, and high school children. Evidently there are 210 of them in Washtenaw County, where I live.

March 3, 2010: I'm Cheating

I didn't take any pictures today, so figured I'd post an older photo instead. Here's a photo I took of a kid playing his guitar on Galveston beach while I served as a volunteer Sea Camp counselor at Texas A&M Galveston. I love this shot.
(I don't have the kid's contact info. to see if it's okay to post his picture, but I am so sure he won't mind. He loved the shot too!)

March 2, 2010: VG Kids

Today I went with the Ypsilanti Jaycees on a tour of VG Kids, a local printing shop that prints (and sometimes designs) T-shirts, posters, bumper stickers, business cards, and more. Turns out, I know the shop owner (pictured).

What I liked best about the tour is the shop owner's story about how he opened his first "vegetarian grocer" (VG) store when he was 17. Although it closed two years later, I admire the risks he has taken in his life that have ended up with success!

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010: Meet Willow

Recently I have been pet sitting two dogs (in addition to Killer from a previous photo): Corky and Willow. Willow, a standard poodle, smiles at me incessantly. Check out those teethies!

February 28, 2010: Expensive Snow Blower

Ever wanna know how a snow blower works? Here's Justin finally using the blower he spent $800 on!

Today, Sunday, Justin worked in the yard and I did dishes and laundry. I felt married.

February 27, 2010: On the Way to Detroit

On our way to Detroit, we always pass this big tire! I guess it's either very creative advertising or a Detroit welcome sign/landmark.

Today Justin and I drove to the Detroit area to go to a couple estate sales.

February 26, 2010: Nothing to Take a Picture of

Today I have nothing to take a picture of. So here's me, once again, going for a walk in the cold. This winter is the first time in my life that I've worn hats with the exception of a couple ski trips.