Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010: Hula

I made Justin hula hoop with my weighted hoop so I could take a picture for my blog today. He needs to practice.


  1. Hmmm, that looks interesting! Hey, at least he's smiling about it. HaHa. You know, Wayne is the best hula-hooper on the Wii in our house. It's hilarious. So is a weighted hula hoop supposed to do something like trim your waist? Maybe I should try it!!

  2. Supposedly if you do it for 10 min. a day you lose a couple inches in just a few months. It hurts at first though and leaves bruises!

  3. Well, I could do that while watching TV!! Where did you get one that is weighted?

  4. Somewhere online. They run about $35. Just do a search for weighted hula hoop. :)
