Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 8, 2010: Justin=Head Chef

You'd think I'd be the one cooking since I am no longer working full-time, but Justin has taken the lead because 1) he's a picky eater and 2) I am somehow still extremely busy! Tonight he cooked stuffed chicken.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks amazing! We have fallen into the scene of traditional roles. Wayne works, I stay home and do everything. And, yes I am super busy. I don't think he (or anyone in this house) has even opened the dishwasher door in the 12 + months we have lived here! But at least they are consistent. HaHa!
    Also, if I don't feel like cooking then Wayne won't cook either, he'll fix cereal. That always makes us laugh! :)
