Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 26, 2010: More Ice Cream Making Pics

June 25, 2010: Ice Cream Making

On Saturday (which is tomorrow, actually), we attended a workshop on how to make your own homemade ice cream. We made lavender, chocolate, and vanilla flavors.

June 24, 2010: Pow Wow

This is an older picture (a couple months ago) I just located of Justin trying on an Indian necklace at an intro. to Indian pow wows workshop we attended.

June 23, 2010: Wise Guy/Girl

What wise guy/girl snuck this picture of me with my camera?

June 22, 2010: Huron River

These pictures of the Huron River (taken while in Detroit) are from a couple of days ago, but I haven't been on top of taking pictures every day.

June 21, 2010: Justin's Office

Yesterday we (Justin, his parents, and I) visited Justin's office. I especially like the photo that says "no pedestrians."

June 20, 2010: Save the Depot

We visited the old depot in Detroit today. This is where the movie, Transformers, was filmed.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19, 2010: Medical Equipment

Norma Jean and I went garage saling today. At an estate sale, I bought a ton of antique medical equipment to re-sell on ebay. Here's a portion of it.

June 18, 2010: More Metal Detecting

Today we found about $1.50 in change, a pair of glasses, a key, lots of foil, and an earring at a children's playground. I hope Justin's mom doesn't get mad that I put her picture up here! :)

June 17, 2010: First Metal Detector Find

Justin gave me a metal detector for Christmas (although I just got it this month). Today, when Justin's parents arrived for a visit, we opened up the detector and started searching the front yard. Here is a picture of our first find--can you see it?

June 16, 2010: Dice

Picture speaks for itself. Sarah and I were playing Yahtzee.

June 15, 2010: Lake Fun Photo 3

Sarah took this shot.

June 14, 2010: Lake Fun Photo 2

June 13, 2010: Lake Fun Photo 1

Recently I enjoyed an afternoon at a cottage/lake with Sarah and her mother, Karen. Here are a few shots scattered over the next few days.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12, 2010: Sneak Photo of Justin

I snuck this shot of Justin. I am not sure what he is doing.

June 11, 2010: Dan Brown

My latest read (after reading Breaking Dawn (Twilight series) TWICE), is Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. I had a hard time getting into the book at first, but once I got used to Brown's style, I can't wait to finish reading.

June 10, 2010: Sarah's School

Sarah is becoming such a large, positive part of my life! I got her to pose next to the sign for her elementary school--she might like to have this picture when she is old like me.

June 9, 2010: Sarah's Squirrel Photo

Sarah is becoming quite a talented photographer. She took this photo of a neighborhood squirrel--great job, Sarah!

June 8, 2010: Oreo

I love Sarah's guinea pig, Oreo!

June 7, 2010: Accordion

I bought this accordion at a garage sale for $40--complete with case, music stand, and a lot of vintage accordion music. After Justin tested it, I listed it on ebay with a starting price of $299.99. It is vintage and made in Italy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 6, 2010: Carpet Cleaning

Over the last few days, we have kept our basement door open. Justin has a fit if I turn on the air conditioning (or heat during the winter). Instead, he has this idea that we will blow cold air up from the basement with a fan at the bottom of the stairs (does this actually work for anyone else?). I guess this helps cool you down stand on the stairs? Well, evidently Tessa, who is not allowed in the basement, has decided to sneak down there multiple times since the door has been open and PEE all over the place. I had not been down to the basement in a few days, so when I went down last night and my sock got wet, I discovered the squishy mess. Needless to say, we had to rent a heavy duty carpet cleaner from Home Depot. Since we had it for 24 hours, Justin decided to clean his truck floorboards. Which gave me the idea that he should clean mine too. And then, since we had it, we should obviously clean the bedroom carpet as well as the three area rugs! Here is Justin cleaning an area rug (with closeup of rug pattern her as well--I like it).

June 5, 2010: More Curds

I am behind in taking pictures, so here is a close-up of the curds taken during the cheesemaking workshop. Gross! (But the warm finished cheese was DELICIOUS!) We immediately bought a cheesemaking kit and book on ebay after this workshop!

June 4, 2010: Homemade Cheese

Today Justin and I attended a Jaycees event on how to make your own cheese. Justin kindly helped demonstrate the lesson. Here he is bringing the water to a certain temperature (along with Jaycees member Bob) as well as holding curds after they have been (partially) separated from the whey. We did not really know what curds and whey were before today. Why would Miss Muffet want to eat this stuff?

June 3, 2010: More Photos by Sarah

And here are some more photos by Sarah taken during our walk.

June 2, 2010: Sarah's Photos

I think I'm cheating by posting photos others have taken such as Justin and, today, Sarah. I've reached a lull in my desire to take daily photos, and it's nice that others are taking them for me occasionally. Today's post, as well as tomorrow's, are photos Sarah took with my camera while we went on a walk. Sarah is quite a photographer! She catches on with technology so fast!!! I especially like her close-up flower photos. Great job, Sarah!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010: New Lazyboy!

I absolutely LOVE the new Lazyboy love seat/recliner we got for $75 at a garage sale! Nice leather, no damage, and sooooooooo comfy!!!!!

May 31, 2010: Memorial Day with the Dayney's

We spent Memorial Day with good friends Tim and Diana Dayney! Here Justin, Tim, and Shannon (whom we just met) are cooking burgers and chicken. Well, it looks more like TIM is cooking while Justin and Shannon observe.

May 30, 2010: Park with Lacy

Lacy and I enjoyed a nice walk at a park this afternoon. Lacy loves to go here, as she gets to play (or stand) in the Huron River. And since I have some nice, new watershoes, I got to go with her.

May 29, 2010: Poor Justin!

Poor Justin! He drove to a garage sale to purchase a reclining loveseat, and as he backed in to our driveway, he turned the front wheels (while looking behind him) and didn't notice the tree that the front of his truck crashed into. I think this truck costs more than I paid for my Huntsville home, so I can understand why he looked like he was gonna cry.

May 28, 2010: Dandelion

Again, I take pictures of flowers (or blooming weeds) when the day is uneventful. Here's another one. These are blowing all around town right about now.

May 27, 2010: Summer Blooms

I took this picture while walking. I take pictures of flowers when I don't have anything else to take pictures of because my day is uneventful.

May 26, 2010: Justin Thought This Was Funny

While organizing the garage, Justin found my Easter bunny ears and thought this was funny. He specifically requested for me to post this picture he took on my blog.