Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12, 2010: Project Introduction & Squirrel Feeder

Today I begin my Project 365, a photo diary consisting of one photo per day for an entire year. Hopefully one day I will be able to look back on my life and remember the people and experiences that made me laugh and cry. Feel free to comment on my photos and/or thoughts. You might even want to begin your own Project 365!

Today's photo is of one of two squirrel feeders Justin and I have outside. So many squirrels live in our neighborhood, and the neighbors and I enjoy feeding them. I bought the squirrel feeders for $1.00 each at a garage sale, and Justin's father, Jim, gave us 277 ears of corn for the squirrels. Evidently, Jim likes to count! Thank you, Jim, for the corn! We are now waiting for the squirrels to discover their new treats.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of Project 365! One of these days, when things calm down, hopefully I'll be able to do one, too!
    Looking forward to a year of pictures and memories by you!
