Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 25, 2010: Lacy Girl

This is my Lacy Girl, a 13-15-year-old blue tick mix. I got her from the animal shelter 12+ years ago, where she was about to be put down. She weighed 12 pounds then as an adult dog and was terrified of people. She weighs 40 pounds now and loves people. She is the best-behaved, most loyal dog I've ever owned.


  1. Aw, I love her! I can't believe she is that old now, makes me sound old. OK, so how long have we known each other? I can't even think how long....like 18 or 19 years. WHUT!?? I still think of you with Sammy tho, but I love Lacy too!

  2. I think you and I met in 1991 or 1992. So that would be about 18 years!

    Yea....Sammy was IT. The end of animal's lives is so terrible...

    I still think of you with Princess too. She was a good girl.
