Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 1, 2010: New Guinea Pigs

Tonight I got two (free) guinea pigs along with a cage and other supplies from a very nice woman in town! They are both female and only two weeks old! Justin and I enjoyed snuggling with them and listening to their cute guinea pig noises.


  1. OMG0--those are so cute! I hope they are easy, I'm sure Caden would love one. So far, all we have is a Zhu-Zhu pet hampster! HaHa! They don't look like babies, but maybe the get big!

  2. I think they are going to be great pets. They get big enough for you to grab and the don't run fast (or much at all) so if they get out you don't have to spend 2 days trying to catch them!
